
Baby Sleep: Wake Windows or By the Clock Schedule?
You’ll see different sleep consultants recommend using “wake windows” or set schedules. WTH does this mean? What’s the difference? Is one recommendation better than the other? What’s right for your baby?
There’s so much that goes into it, so let’s dissect it all today!

Daylight Savings Time: How to Make it NOT Suck
Confession time: I never believed in preparing for the time change until last year with two kids. It was THE WORST.
Of course, when it rains is pours. I was solo parenting because my husband was out of town for work for a few days, and it just so happened to align with the start or end of Daylight Saving Time (I don’t remember if it was Fall or Spring - y’all, I was in survival mode!). Lulu was about 6 months old.

What You Need to Know About Nap Transitions
If there’s anything I’ve learned about nap transitions, it’s that you should never assume it’s time to drop a nap after a few rough days. GIVE. IT. TIME.
Learn from my mistakes!