
My Reflections: Motherhood, Sleep, and Mental Health
As I embarked on the journey of motherhood, I was filled with confidence and anticipation. I had 17 years of auntie duties, had been around children my whole life, and I was going to have my mom by my side . . . I had it all figured out, right?!

Outdoor Adventures & Smoother Bedtimes
If you're anything like me, you know the struggle of getting your little ones to settle down for a good night's sleep. In fact I struggled with getting my son a good night’s sleep for the first 8 months of his life. Truth be told, I was too exhausted to wrap my head around, let alone plan an outdoor adventure, so much so that I would avoid them.

Dressing Baby For Sleep
As a parent, one of the most precious moments is watching your baby peacefully drift off to sleep, even if it’s via a baby monitor because you don’t want to risk distracting them (lol). Ensuring your baby is comfortable during sleep is paramount for their sleep quality and let’s face it your peace of mind. One crucial aspect of sleep that I get asked often in consultations, is how to dress babies appropriately for the room temperature/changing seasons.

How to Lengthen Naps?
Short naps are rough!!!! If you know, then you know and trust me I know!
My son was the king of cat naps! I was lucky if I could get a 45 minute nap from him. In fact I vividly remember picking him up from the babysitter one day when he was 5 months, seeing his tired, puffy and red eyes to be told he had napped for a whopping 15 minutes.

Nap Schedules: 4, 3, 2 and 1
Not one consultation goes by where I don't speak to parents about age appropriate nap schedules. Having an age appropriate schedule can sometimes be the missing puzzle piece to sleep. Children naturally have dips in energy throughout the day, during these dips their body is primed for sleep, and if you miss these windows for sleep, then sleep will be harder ie: fighting sleep, short naps and/or refusing naps.

Why is my child waking up at 5:00 a.m.?
Early morning wakings can be BRUTAL.
Unfortunately, they’re pretty common. Most children will deal with them at some point in time, because there are so many things that can cause them.

How to Sleep Train Your Baby
Sleep training is TRICKY.
I tried to sleep train my own son - twice - before looking for professional help.
Here’s why it didn’t work for me: There are a lot of different ways to sleep train a child and I didn’t know how to make it work for him specifically.

Sleep Regressions: When They Happen and How to Deal with Them
I very recently had my third consultation with a family (they chose not to sleep train so we’ve just been doing one-off consultation calls as needed), and they seem to reach out to me any time the baby is going through a regression. I was chatting with the mom, and she asked me, “Ariana, when do these regressions end?!”

Baby Sleep: Wake Windows or By the Clock Schedule?
You’ll see different sleep consultants recommend using “wake windows” or set schedules. WTH does this mean? What’s the difference? Is one recommendation better than the other? What’s right for your baby?
There’s so much that goes into it, so let’s dissect it all today!

Sleep Training and the 70/30 Rule
THE most common question I get asked by families is something along the lines of, “How am I supposed to live my life when I have to adhere to a schedule?” Or, “Sleep training feels so rigid. I really value flexibility.”
But let me tell you a little secret…

Teething: Tips for Relief and Better Sleep
Teething and sleep are such a hot topic!
Do you ever find yourself thinking, “Oh, here we go, she’s teething again!” Or, “I guess we will be up every hour tonight…looks like another tooth is coming.”
Seriously, there’s always so much drama at our house when the kids are teething!

Traveling with Children & Prioritizing Their Sleep
My family was recently traveling and we were staying with my in-laws in Colorado. My husband’s aunt was over one evening, and as I was visiting with her, I said, “I’ll be right back. I need to go put the baby to bed.”

Find Success with Sibling Room Sharing
Are you aware of how expensive it is to live in Colorado’s ski resort area? Housing is really expensive.
I had a professional connection reach out to me on a personal level, in regards to having her children share a room.

Transition Your Baby from Bassinet to Crib
The timing of this transition can feel awkward. I have had parents reach out to me about this, and having gone through it myself, I get it! It IS awkward.
From a safe sleep perspective, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a baby sleep in the same room, on a separate surface, as the parents the first six months of life.

Daylight Savings Time: How to Make it NOT Suck
Confession time: I never believed in preparing for the time change until last year with two kids. It was THE WORST.
Of course, when it rains is pours. I was solo parenting because my husband was out of town for work for a few days, and it just so happened to align with the start or end of Daylight Saving Time (I don’t remember if it was Fall or Spring - y’all, I was in survival mode!). Lulu was about 6 months old.

Nursing, Sleep and the Transition to Daycare
When my son started daycare at 15 months old, he was no longer nursed - that journey ended around 13 months. He had an easier transition to daycare than my daughter, and I truly think it's because he was no longer nursing.

The Importance of a Bedtime Routine for Your Child
I cannot tell you enough how important a bedtime routine is for children of all ages! Trust me, I’m living proof, at this moment in time, that children benefit from a bedtime routine…

How to Transition Your Child from a Crib to a Bed
For me, even the thought of moving my son into a bed gave me anxiety.
My mother-in-law - bless her! - got him this awesome Montessori-style floor bed for a Christmas present when he was 3 years old. I was also pregnant with his sister at the time and did NOT want to mess with his perfect sleep while preparing to welcome another baby into our home.

Planning for Naps on the Go
Many new(er) parents want their baby to fit into their lifestyle. And they also want what’s best for their baby.
Sometimes these things don’t go together very well.

Does your child need a sleep reset?
Here’s something interesting I’ve learned throughout my years as a sleep consultant: Sleep training the first baby usually leads to the second. Baby, that is.