
Traveling with Children & Prioritizing Their Sleep
My family was recently traveling and we were staying with my in-laws in Colorado. My husband’s aunt was over one evening, and as I was visiting with her, I said, “I’ll be right back. I need to go put the baby to bed.”

Find Success with Sibling Room Sharing
Are you aware of how expensive it is to live in Colorado’s ski resort area? Housing is really expensive.
I had a professional connection reach out to me on a personal level, in regards to having her children share a room.

Transition Your Baby from Bassinet to Crib
The timing of this transition can feel awkward. I have had parents reach out to me about this, and having gone through it myself, I get it! It IS awkward.
From a safe sleep perspective, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that a baby sleep in the same room, on a separate surface, as the parents the first six months of life.

How to Transition Your Child from a Crib to a Bed
For me, even the thought of moving my son into a bed gave me anxiety.
My mother-in-law - bless her! - got him this awesome Montessori-style floor bed for a Christmas present when he was 3 years old. I was also pregnant with his sister at the time and did NOT want to mess with his perfect sleep while preparing to welcome another baby into our home.

The Best Sleep Environment For Babies
Ah, the joys of parenthood. Holding your baby in your arms, watching as they sleep peacefully—it's a moment to cherish. But what if your baby isn't sleeping well? It can be stressful for both parents and babies.