
Getting Your Partner Involved/On Board with Improving Your Child’s Sleep
Do you have a child who is a diva too?? Let me tell you about my Marlene Lourdes aka Lulu. She’s exclusively breastfed (just over a year at the time of this blog). Prior to our big move from Colorado to Florida she had never taken a bottle or pacifier. I’m telling you, she’s such a diva!!

Sleep Vocabulary for Dummies
When I first became a mom, I had no clue what any of these words meant, nor the importance of them when it came to helping my son sleep better. I was clueless! But, I kept seeing them thrown around in the online world, and eventually have become an expert in this “sleep language” - lucky for you, I’m here to share my knowledge with YOU.

What You Need to Know About Nap Transitions
If there’s anything I’ve learned about nap transitions, it’s that you should never assume it’s time to drop a nap after a few rough days. GIVE. IT. TIME.
Learn from my mistakes!

The Best Sleep Environment For Babies
Ah, the joys of parenthood. Holding your baby in your arms, watching as they sleep peacefully—it's a moment to cherish. But what if your baby isn't sleeping well? It can be stressful for both parents and babies.

5 Sleep Tips: When Your Child is Sick
When you become a parent, you hold your baby with such love and tenderness. You think to yourself that you will take such good care of them, how you will do anything humanly possible to make them happy and comfortable. After all there is no truer love than the love of a parent. That is why it’s so painful to see them sick.