You’re a Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Oh, so you’re a pediatric sleep consultant, what is it exactly that you do? Is a question I have been asked too many times to not write about it. To be honest the question does not surprise me, after all I didn’t know what a pediatric sleep consultant was either. 

 As a Latina growing up, I saw how family was always around to help each other out, especially during pregnancy and the quarentena (first 40 days postpartum). Yet we now live in different times. We live in times where many of us have moved away from family, to other states and countries. On top of that you add the pandemic and you have a whole set of people, becoming parents without the support of their families. What are they to do?  Well thanks to technology they are going online and getting virtual help! Expecting parents are taking virtual labor and delivery classes, lactation support and even virtual sleep consulting support (wink, wink, this is where I come in).

The great thing about the pediatric sleep consulting industry is that before the pandemic, all the support provided to families was virtual. Yes, that’s right, although we do not enter your homes, we are still able to get a whole picture of what is going on and create an individualized sleep plan that fits your family’s needs and philosophies. I’m sure you’re asking how? Well here are the steps! 

Get to know you: I start with your discovery call, this call is all about getting to know you, your family and your needs. What are the sleep issues you are having (short naps, early morning rising, frequent night wakings, etc)? What are your sleep goals (getting your child: to sleep in his/her crib, to learn independent/healthy sleep, on a sleep schedule)? 

In-depth Questionnaire: This is when the fun begins (at least for me). I send you an in-depth questionnaire about your child, your child’s schedule/sleep schedule, sleep routines, your family and your family’s philosophies (didn’t I say it was in-depth). This helps me get a full picture of what is going on, in your home.

Consultation: Next up is our consultation! This is when we get on the phone or video conference call (whichever you prefer) and we go over your questionnaire, sleep education and the 4 sleep training methods I work with. I know what you’re thinking. There are 4 sleep training methods? Well actually there are 5, including “Cry it Out” (which I do not work with). Together we then decide which sleep training method is best for you and your child.

Tailored Sleep Plan: I will then take all the information I gathered and create an individualized sleep plan, tailored to you and your child. This plan has to be based on you and your child, in order for you to be comfortable and confident with it. 

Implementation: Next up is when the fun really begins, no seriously it is! This is when we pick a date for you to begin the sleep plan and for me to start my job, as your #1 Sleep Cheerleader. That’s right, I will check in with you daily! I want to know how you are doing, how your child is doing, and I want all the details on his/her sleep. At the end of every check in, I want you to feel supported because I know that being a parent is hard and being a parent implementing change is even harder!

For the next three weeks, you and I will become sleep BFF’s. We will celebrate all the victories, even the tiny ones. I will encourage you to feel confident and proud (after all it’s a lot of hard work), to the point where I will even encourage you to schedule a date with your partner. I guarantee you this date will feel like no other date, why? Because you will confidently go knowing your little one will fall asleep and stay asleep all night while you are out!

So, there it is, that is what I do as a pediatric sleep consultant. If you have any questions, please book a complimentary call with me or send me an email. I am here for you and I want to help you enjoy parenthood.


Sleep Training 101


My Nursing Journey