
Sleep Training and the 70/30 Rule
Ariana Gonzalez Ariana Gonzalez

Sleep Training and the 70/30 Rule

THE most common question I get asked by families is something along the lines of, “How am I supposed to live my life when I have to adhere to a schedule?” Or, “Sleep training feels so rigid. I really value flexibility.”

But let me tell you a little secret…

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Flexibility & Freedom with Sleep Training
Ariana Gonzalez Ariana Gonzalez

Flexibility & Freedom with Sleep Training

Many parents do not want to sleep train their child because they think, they will lose the flexibility and freedom they currently have. The one where your child sleeps when they are tired, the one where you are free to do any outings, at any time. Well the truth is, this freedom and flexibility exist during the newborn months.

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Sleep Training 101
Ariana Gonzalez Ariana Gonzalez

Sleep Training 101

I know you must be asking, “what is sleep training?” I know I asked the same question. Yes, I had read about it in pregnancy and maternity books, yet everything I read was opinion based and let me tell you they were not for it.

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